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patrick_777 02-27-2010 11:04 AM

Re: Log your rides
Anyone else doing riding lately? This thread isn't just about my many traffic infractions... :whistle:

alanmcorcoran 02-27-2010 01:06 PM

Re: Log your rides
I feel bad cause I'd lke to contribute, but I was in Chicago all week and this weekend it is once again raining like a motherEffer in Sunny SoCal. Howevah, on Tuesday morning, prior to going to the airport, I did ride over to the HMO to get my stitches out. I rode the entire length of the Richard Nixon Memorial Freeway (it's about two miles) (there was a cop on a BMW with a radar gun planted right about halfway up, too.) And I rode right past the Richard Nixon Presidential library. I didn't take any pictures (I still am not in the habit of shooting while riding) but I will try to post an image nonetheless. About 24 miles round trip.



patrick_777 02-27-2010 02:46 PM

Re: Log your rides

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
I rode right past the Richard Nixon Presidential library

Did your skin burn? Mine would have.

burkbuilds 02-27-2010 03:40 PM

Re: Log your rides
"Watergate does not bother me, does your conscience bother you now tell the truth" - Sweet Home Alabama- Allman Brothers

alantf 02-27-2010 03:50 PM

Re: Log your rides

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
and this weekend it is once again raining like a motherEffer in Sunny SoCal.

Seems like things are happening all over the world. Can't turn the tv on without news of another catastrophy. Last night even we were on red alert. Torrential rain & winds 100mph+. Spent all morning clearing up the debris. We weren't too bad, but everyone around here is talking about the roofs that were ripped off, & the trees that were uprooted. Today the winds have died down, but we've had heavy rain all day, & we're still on red alert for tonight. :sad:

alanmcorcoran 02-27-2010 03:54 PM

Re: Log your rides
Having been alive and pretty well informed at the time of things political, all things considered (and there is a lot of not so good shit to consider) I would probably take Nixon over some of the folks that have been in that office of late. The guy was grasping, abusive of power, probably a racist and and anti-Semite, but he was not afraid to tackle tough problems head on and he had (the arrogance?) of confidence to believe he could fix things. Even though he was power mad, and an egomaniac, I think he strove to do (at least in his mind) what was best for America. Like Obama, he inherited a messy war, and like today, it was a lengthy, relatively fruitless effort that wrecked our economy and divided our country. First he tried to win it by force, then he basically just shut it down. Having turned 18 in 1976, even though I am not a republican and there is no question he abused his office way beyond basic dirty politics, I will be forever grateful that both the Vietnam war and the draft ended before I had to get involved.

He was a complicated man - an interesting mix of very bad and very capable.

People often only remember Nixon for Watergate, and I suppose that is fair. But this was a guy who lost a very close race (some would say fixed) to JFK, beat Ronald Reagan out for the Republican nomination in 1968 and eked out a win in a tough three way race that included George Wallace, who mostly siphoned off votes that might have gone to Nixon. His reelection, wasn't even close.

patrick_777 02-28-2010 04:03 PM

Re: Log your rides
Short ride today looking for something cool. Also wanted to try the handlebar mount on the GoPro in photo mode.


alanmcorcoran 03-03-2010 04:04 AM

Re: Log your rides
Did about a 55 miler after work and racquetball to one of my local hangouts, Alta Coffee. It's in Newport Beach (kind of looks like "The OC" did on TV, it's the high priced Real Estate.) Might have posted about it before. A friend does a singer/songwriter showcase there and I know most of the performers. Took a few iphone shots.

If you look close in one of them I think you can see the Strat parked outside.




Water Warrior 2 03-03-2010 05:24 AM

Re: Log your rides
Looks like a cool way to spend some time.

alantf 03-03-2010 11:29 AM

Re: Log your rides

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
Did about a 55 miler after racquetball to one of my local hangouts, Alta Coffee.

Have they a resident nurse to do the bandaging/taping/stitching, so you don't scare the other customers away? :lol: :lol: :lol: :banana: :banana: :smoke:

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