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kk4dbi 09-18-2011 11:38 AM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran

I was surprised to see that you didn't have "Proficient Motorcycling" in your list of references. If you have chance (and $25) I highly recommend you pick up this book from Amazon or the local bookstore. The 2008 edition is not only jam packed with really useful MC riding info, it's, well, a beautiful book! Great photos, diagrams, paper. It's really very well put together.

David Hough opens the book with a description of a pretty horrific accident and then dives right into the same statistics that you cited above (and pretty much comes to the same conclusions.) He digs a little deeper than the stats and goes a little beyond some of their conclusions (such as noting that many non-fatal single MC accidents go non reported, big bike vs non big bike, and (dare I say it) some criticism of recent changes to the MSF (he is a former MSF instructor.)

Anyway, I buy (and read) a lot of books, and many, especially when they come to things like skiing, swimming and racquetball (and the like), are poorly written, poorly organized and difficult to get anything other than the obvious from. Not true with "Proficient." It's extremely well written (even humorous and interesting!) yet, it is chock full of very simple, easy to use info on every page, with detailed illustrations, photos, etc. Highly recommended.

(I just reread the section on cornering, throttle control, etc. and it is spot on.)

I'm buying this book thanks to your recommendation..!!!

Slagugglan 10-11-2011 11:57 AM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
Good helmet, proper safety clothing, common sense... how many bikers could still be alive today hadn't they been foolish.

Don't drink and drive, don't drive recklessly, and DON'T EXPECT THAT CAR WILL SEE YOU, cos it won't... nine times out of ten.

Ride safe, and rest in peace to those who were not lucky enough to make it.

daisymazy 10-11-2011 06:21 PM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
Got my permit in january. in north carolina you can drive on a permit for a year. practiced on my dead end barely traveled road. got my gz on the main roads with my husband . he has a harley and has ridden for years so was a big help. but i never felt good about riding until i took and passed the motorcycle safety course this summer and got my license. that course is so helpful and i almost always hear one of my instructors telling me the right way to go around curves, dangers of intersections and even the way to check out your bike before putting it on the road. i thought after the first full day in the heat on that asphalt and very strict training i had payed 170 dollars to go to hell for 22 hours.before the course was over i knew it was the best money i ever spent. i love riding and i love my 250gz. happy and safe riding to all.

Water Warrior 2 10-11-2011 07:37 PM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
Congrats. It is so good to hear some one has taken a course and praise the results. Sounds like you had good instructors who knew what to look for with a new rider. Have you noticed the bike is not near as intimidating after the course ?

daisymazy 10-11-2011 07:58 PM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
you are so right i respect the bike now more than fear it. i may go to something a little bigger next summer but would keep my gz. after all i am not a spring chicken anymore and may have to go back to the gz.

Water Warrior 2 10-12-2011 05:24 AM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities

Originally Posted by daisymazy
you are so right i respect the bike now more than fear it. i may go to something a little bigger next summer but would keep my gz. after all i am not a spring chicken anymore and may have to go back to the gz.

My SO(Lynda) is a grandmother who started on a GZ and upgraded to the M-50. She recently rode solo half way across Canada and back. Had a wonderful time too. You never know what the future holds till you get there.

daisymazy 10-12-2011 08:20 AM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
thats great . i am 66 but my body doesn't know it yet. thank goodness. i still water ski and do everything my grown children do. wish i lived close to lynda. we could start a granny bikers club . my best to lynda.

Road_Clam 02-14-2012 06:44 AM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
Back in the early 80's when I was young and racing motocross, I was schooled by a expert veteran rider and he voiced a comment to me that has stuck in my mind for the past 30 years of riding. He said "remember this phrase from now on weather it be riding dirt or street"

"Keep your head up, LOOK AHEAD, and THINK AHEAD"

I silently whisper this phrase to myself every time I strap on my helmet.... i'ts kept me accident free for the past 30 years...(knock on wood )

dieter33 02-26-2012 10:29 AM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
It's better to post this to let the bikers "who don't know about"

joebielski 11-15-2012 10:25 AM

Re: Top 3 factors in Motorcycle Traffic Fatalities
GREAT Write up!!! I actually printed it out to keep with all my bike stuff. I'll also get the Proficient Motorcycling book ASAP. Here in Ontario we have a Graduated License system for both bikes and cars. M1, then M2 then full M License. Each has a period of time so you can get practice, but if you take an MSR course the times are reduced. And if you pass the MSR course, you get the next level license instead of going through the ministry of transportation. When I did my M2 course it was a 3 day class. 6 hours in a class room, then 2x 10 hour session on the bikes. That weekend it was POURING rain, but we learned SO MUCH!!!! And of course the hazards of driving in the rain. Great course.

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