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molly 06-24-2007 09:23 AM

I know this is going to seem lame to some of you more experienced riders, but I met a "mini-goal" last night. I wanted to ride to a local restaurant for dinner one night. (Finally mde it last night!) It is only about 3 miles away, but on US highway 17, which is a busy 4 lane highway. (We live on Hwy 17, and getting in and out of the GRAVEL driveway and onto the highway is a B****....but that is another story...) Anyhow, we are getting ready to leave, and DH decides my bike needs gas, so does his. He tells me i need to ride my bike to the gas station before we go to dinner. HUH! The gas station is right next to an intersection where i stalled my Honda Shadow the last time I rode it, could not get it into neutral to restart, and had an emotional meltdown! It also involves crossing some pretty bad pavement and a small "S" shaped bridge!!! Anyhow, i psyched myself up and DID IT!!!! It was early evening, next to the river, and a beautiful ride! I Was so excited when we got home, I couldn't sleep for hours! THe gas station is about 1 1/2 miles from my job, and my goal is to start riding to work, so I am almost where I wnted to be YEARS ago! Previous aforementioned emotional meltdown took me over a year to get over....I know....CHICKEN!! But the cagers behind us at the time cussing us out did not help me at all!!! Anyhow, just thought i would post that I am making great progress! We are leaving now to go to breakfast about 8 miles away, and then hopefully take another ride later on. See ya! I LOVE MY GZ!!!!!

Easy Rider 06-24-2007 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by molly
The gas station is right next to an intersection where i stalled my Honda Shadow the last time I rode it, could not get it into neutral to restart, and had an emotional meltdown!

Don't know about the Shadow but, once it is initially started, the GZ doesn't have to be in neutral to re-start. Just pull in the clutch and hit the button.

I've only tested this once and need to do it some more; you might want to do the same.
Do an "artificial stall" by dropping the side stand or hitting the kill switch (while it is in gear). Return stand or kill sw. to normal. Pull in clutch. Restart.

If you are already in 1st or 2nd gear (which you should be if you stalled it), you can take right off, almost as nothing happened. Knowing this should make you feel better.

(We won't mention that this probably would have worked on the Shadow too!) :roll:

El_Shorto 06-24-2007 12:39 PM

Easy's right, you can start the bike up in 5th as long as you have the clutch in, just like a manual transmission car. The bike doesnt care about the gear so long as the transmission is disengaged. After that, shift away. Also, an easy thing to do if you ever have trouble downshifting (which happens periodically on my GZ if I forget to downshift while i'm coming to a stop) is to press the shifter, then let the clutch out just enough to where you feel the transmission engage then reapply the clutch and continue downshifting. Works like a champ.

molly 06-24-2007 08:57 PM

I do not know about all the other bikes out there, but my Shadow WILL NOT go without stalling UNLESS you start out in 1st gear. PERIOD! That is how i stalled it. Was stopped at the light, thought i was in first, but was in second. Stalled the bike, could not get it started again. I COULD have pulled in the clutch and MOVED the bike, but could not start it again until it was in Neutral. Just had an emotional meltdown that day, and did not think straight, just panicked! LOL! Today's rides were fantastic, we stayed out about 2 hours or more. It was great! Definitely the best part of the day. Really gave us some alone time to have fun and get out before having to come home and spend the rest of the day dealing with family problems. (YUCK!) Will ask DH about Shadow starting in gear, but I do NOT think it will. More later............

molly 06-24-2007 09:13 PM

Just asked DH about the Shadow. He says yes, if you pull in the clutch, the bike will start in any gear....BUT it WILL stall if u try to take off in ANY gear EXCEPT first gear. That is why i had trouble at the stoplight that day. AFTER the bike stalled, it would NOT shift to any other gear, no matter what I did. Hope this explains the situation a bit more clearly.

Easy Rider 06-25-2007 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by molly
AFTER the bike stalled, it would NOT shift to any other gear, no matter what I did. Hope this explains the situation a bit more clearly.

Yep, kind of figured that was the case.
The GZ, however, WILL start out in 2nd gear without a problem.
With a 16T front, it still works but is trickier.
If you haven't tried that yet, you might want to.......for future reference. :tup:

Dupo 06-25-2007 02:40 PM

First, congrats on your adventure!! Thats exactly what i did when i started riding, was setting goals to accomplish. First it was to get the bike inspected 10 blocks away. Then to the gas station 2 miles away. Then to my moms house 7 miles away. Then to my dads 30 miles away... eventually i was doing 100+ miles a day just riding around. It all comes natural after a while. Keep at it!

As for the Shadow incident ... (the kickstand sensor went in mine, it will only start in neutral now). What probably happened is what happens on mine .. since i have to start in neutral .. is when the bike is off and you want to change gear (mainly for neutral), it gets stuck even with the clutch pulled in. Seems that if its off and in 1st or 2nd, the gear is engaged, and rocking the bike back n forth slightly lets the pressure off the gear so you can go into neutral (or 1st for that matter) easily. Remember that for next time :)

molly 06-25-2007 04:58 PM

Yeah, DH told me i should have rocked it at the time.....But I was busy having a panic attack! LOL! WIll try not to do THAT again......served no purpose whatsoever.

Dupo 06-25-2007 07:15 PM

lol. Ive seen those panic attacks first hand, its not a pretty sight.

My buds all got harleys about the same time and we were going out for our first ride. Well, one guy walks his bike backwards *not* sitting on it. Well, he turned the bars, bike went down. I go to help him, he says he's fine. I turn around and look back, down it went on the other side. Gets it back up and tried starting it ... i swear he pushed every button on that bike. If it had an eject button he probably would have pushed that too. I finally said calm down ... take a deep breath .... now start it. Started right up lol.

molly 06-26-2007 07:01 AM

Yep, I am trying not to let my nerves get the best of me. I HAVE taught myself to chill out at my job, which used to REALLY get me ruffled! I work for the Food Stamp department in Social Services, and you get 15-20 rude, angry clients coming in, and the phone rings off the hook all day while to receptionist is paging you for something else....all at the same time! ARGH! If i can learn to deal with all of that calmly....riding a bike should be a breeze! LOL!

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