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alanmcorcoran 03-14-2010 08:33 PM

Posting from iphone
Hey Patrick...

This comes under the category of Things That You Don't Really Want To Evaluate From A Logical Perspective but... How about an iPhone app? It has occurred to me that I might be the only member with such a candy assed device, but given this tag-o-rama game, it would be handy for posting a tag/new tag right from where the new tag is sighted/situated. I can actually get on GZ250bike.com and login and post from the browser on iphone, but the picture posting thingie doesn't work. At least i think it doesn't (the Choose File) thing is greyed out. Maybe I was just looking at it wrong.

Easy Rider 03-14-2010 09:13 PM

Re: Posting from iphone

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
At least i think it doesn't (the Choose File) thing is greyed out. Maybe I was just looking at it wrong.

Maybe. There IS some shading on those boxes. Try selecting it anyway.
Then again, maybe the I-browser isn't totally compatible.

Another wild idea: maybe the I-browser "knows" that you don't have any pic's stored on the phone to find ???? (Do you ??)

JWR 03-14-2010 09:51 PM

Re: Posting from iphone
Smugmug and a few other picture hosting sites are iphone friendly.

patrick_777 03-14-2010 10:19 PM

Re: Posting from iphone
Not having an iPhone, it might be difficult for me to really work out. Are you able to actually attach files using the message board itself instead of using the Postimage.org site?

I'll look around for a solution.

Dupo 03-14-2010 10:29 PM

Re: Posting from iphone
Postimage probably won't work because its a java script pop up. Phones cant handle those ............ yet.

alanmcorcoran 03-14-2010 10:32 PM

Re: Posting from iphone

I had about 100 pictures on the iphone but I think the browser app has to be able to recognize it's on an iphone (or be written in java or the iphone equivalent.)

The "Choose File" is grey and despite repeated pokings, doesn't do anything, The "browse for files" link doesn't display and the "Many images" option requires Flash which, I don't think the iphone supports. It's not that big a deal - unless a lot of other folks have an iphone. It just makes me a little less competitive in the game (and less likely to head out to some godforsaken area only to have someone else post the tag before I can return home, transfer the iphone photo to my PC etc.)

I could probably load the photo to photobucket and then link to that?

If you wrote an iphone app that interface with this forum software and sold it for three or four bucks, you might make a few hundred a month, assuming there are a lot of other instances that use this flavor of forumware. The guy that wrote "Car Locator" is making about $13,000 a month.

patrick_777 03-14-2010 11:07 PM

Re: Posting from iphone
I know Photobucket and Flickr have an email feature, and I'm pretty sure photobucket will autoformat to a phpbb post format.

When I asked about attaching a file to a post, I was talking about the native board attach farther underneath the "Post a picture" link. It's under a section called "Upload Attachment"...


Is this what you were referring to in your last post?

blaine 03-14-2010 11:15 PM

Re: Posting from iphone
As I use a BLACKBERRY for all my posting,I had to find a computer to upload a photo.

patrick_777 03-14-2010 11:26 PM

Re: Posting from iphone
Indeed, after just checking the site on my Blackberry, I am unable to open a browse window on either location. Javascript FTL.

alanmcorcoran 03-15-2010 12:07 AM

Re: Posting from iphone

Originally Posted by patrick_777
When I asked about attaching a file to a post, I was talking about the native board attach farther underneath the "Post a picture" link. It's under a section called "Upload Attachment"...

Is this what you were referring to in your last post?

No, I forgot about that one - I got used to the Big Lettered one I guess. I checked that one now as well and the "Choose File" is greyed out. HOWEVER... I got prompted (from who knows where) that GZ250Bike.com is an iphone Native site (if I buy tapatalk for...$2.99!) I'll buy it and let you know if it works. Seems like some one else already had my idea... maybe.

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