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Old 08-19-2008, 02:00 PM   #10
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: southeast VA
Posts: 171
Yes that is true patrick, but all the crotch rocket riders where I live are douches that have an "im better than you" attitude. Just because they have a fast bike doest really make them cool, they are the kind of guys that go in packs and harass people and make too much noise.
Different places have different standards I guess....around here it's the cruiser guys (mainly the HD specifically) who act the way you describe. The sportbike, the crotch-rocket guys (don't want to bad-mouth the sportbike name) just speed everywhere, but that's about it. OTOH, a couple days ago while my mother was fixing the mailbox (it was only 20 something years old ), a very nice guy on a Harley pulled off the highway to offer her help. I had just went back to the house to grab something to drink for the two of us, and missed talking to him, but I did see him as he was riding away. Bottom line is that in either group you have good and bad apples.
Ride safe
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haunted by ill angels only~
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