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Old 08-23-2008, 05:17 PM   #12
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There is plenty of times I've been wanting to ride for only an hour or so and get back home so I could get ready for work or something. Like WW said, a watch is nice to have on your arm if you're squiding around without a jacket and gloves, but for someone who wears ATGATT, including gauntleted gloves, it's very impractical. A glance down would be preferable to know it's about time to start shagging back to the homestead.

Also, I agree with Newbiker. If you're running late or that is even possible, DON'T ride the bike. Take your car. You're much more likely to be distracted and careless by being impatient and worried about the time if you're late. Careless and distracted can and very probably will be deadly on a motorcycle commute.

A few dollars of gas is worth it compared to a few thousand or more in the hospital.
]I am hiding in Honduras. I am a desperate man. Send lawyers, guns and money. The shit has hit the fan.
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