Thread: First 100 Miles
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Old 09-17-2008, 11:42 AM   #8
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Re: First 100 Miles

Originally Posted by Gozone
I had my prescription glasses on with the full face but, had the visor up to stop them from foging up. I was slow moving traffic just didnt think to turn the shield down once we got up to speed. It wasnt the impact that freaked me out it was the thing feeling like it was buzzing around a bit inside the front of the helmet.
To keep your glasses from fogging up if the vents in the helmet don't do an adequate job, leave the faceshield open a crack - like 1/8' - to get better airflow inside the helmet, just large enough not to let bugs in.
I had a large love bug get into my helmet once. It's pretty weird seeing/hearing/feeling something crawling around in your peripheral vision while you're trying to drive down the road. Instead of stopping, I was able to slow down, raise the shield and tip my head up and get him to blow out the top. Freaky!
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