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Old 10-15-2008, 09:03 AM   #9
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Re: Head gasket replacement?

Ok seems to be confusion between two separate issues.

1) The "valve cover" or top half of the cylinder head has only a liquid gasket. That is where I leak oil. The service manual says something about using "Suzuki bond 1210" or something like that. It also says to check to make sure that the cover has not warped. I checked mine it didn't warp. I've tried an aviation liquid gasket maker, and high temp "Copper RTV silicone" Neither of which have lasted more than a week or two before resuming leaking. I guess I'll just have to break down and spend 20 bucks on the Suzuki liquid gasket.

2) Combustion gas leak between the cylinder head and piston jugg. (cylinder head gasket). This is what I started this thread for, to see if anyone else has had to replace a head gasket and get their feed back. Yes I'm aware this involves tearing off the top half of the engine.

Sarris, Thanks for the idea about changing the base gasket while I've got it apart. I didn't think about that, but makes a lot of sense to do that too.

Easy Rider, I'm well aware of this bikes limitations and you're right, I have resigned myself to more maintenance. Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the redline on this engine is 8,500 RPM. I use the 16t sprocket and I rarely exceed 7000 RPM (65 - 70mph typ.) Maybe I'm just naive to think it "should" be able to cruise at 7000 RPM all day without a hitch. I have it jetted pretty close to stock. The bike will go 75-85 when jetted rich as hell but the loss of 15-20 mpg and having very blue pipes isn't worth it. Aside from that all the other mods, opening up the intake and exhaust really don't do anything other than lower your mileage and/or make the bike noisy.
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