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Old 12-11-2008, 07:24 AM   #25
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Re: 48 States in search of Home

o.k.,different time, different place, different reason, but at age 55, my wife & myself uprooted from England, where we'd always lived, & moved thousands of miles to an island off the coast of Africa. different life style, different culture - even a different language. We simply wanted to get away from what England has become - a country where the criminal has more rights than the victim, where the health service that we have to contribute to through our taxes was falling apart, where our children were leaving school barely able to read or write, where local taxes for such things as trash removal, fire service,police etc. were spiralling out of control. O.k. the circumstances were different - we had a house to sell, so that we could put down a deposit on an apartment, & we both have modest pensions (also, as a retired electrician, I still do odd jobs for folk), but the point I'm trying to make is the "searching for something better."
Six years down the line - regrets? - NOT A ONE!
By birth an Englishman, by the grace of God a Yorkshireman.

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