Thread: Brrrrr
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Old 12-26-2008, 04:29 PM   #4
Posts: n/a
Re: Brrrrr

I haven't ridden since the middle of December - we had some nasty winter weather for a couple of weeks. But tomorrow (Dec. 27) is supposed to be near 60 degrees, though it will probably be wet. I've been waiting for this so I could take the bike for a spin and then winterize it properly, but I do have a question for you all. The roads have been salted quite a bit, so I'm worried about that, obviously. But when I wash the bike, does that mean I have to be meticulous under the frame, the engine, everything, etc. or I'm asking for trouble? A noob question, I know, but I'm used to the rust protection of cars. So exactly how meticulous do I have to be when washing the bike?


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