Thread: New Member
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Old 01-09-2009, 03:53 PM   #14
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Crawfordville, Florida
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Re: New Member

I'll jump in here too,
Not to rub you, but WW- what's "strick"? Did you mean "strict"?

Welcome to the club qwesboy, but it is a common courtesy to use proper language and form in trying to communicate, especially if you want someone to respond to you. It's not a generational thing, as Alan suggested, but more indicative of proper education and respect for others, IMHO. We're not talking spelling errors or typos, we're not talking about a foreigner whose primary language is not English, we're talking about proper language skills.. It seems to many that if you don't take the time to try and communicate in a proper fashion, very few will respond, which encourages you to discontinue doing it that way. Many on here feel that what is OK for texting on a cell phone for sake of expediency is not acceptable when you're writing in a thread on a forum. If you persist like this--"Well then this is how we solve this problem if you dont like how i type then just dont read it" -- that may very well happen by the members on here that could help you the most. And as an aside, if you're that seemingly sloppy and cavalier with your writing skills, what do you think the impression would be about your powder coating skills? Sometimes these impressions rub off on other areas.
Anyway, again welcome, and do what you want, but don't be too upset if people on here don't respond to you in the way you'd like if you write in that form.
Post some pictures when you're working through the bike and the end result.
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