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Old 01-29-2009, 11:00 AM   #52
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Posts: 109
Re: Full vs three quarter

My major crash happened 40 years ago before Georgia required helmets so I was not wearing one. I was on a Honda 305 and took a 35mph turn at 60mph. In retrospect perhaps that was not very wise. The bike went down and slid under a car. I was seperate from the bike and made a dent in the truck of a parked car with my head (again, no helmet). Woke up in the Emergency Room. Lived, of course, with no real damage, but there was no part on my body as big as your hand that wasn't bleeding. Appearantly I rubbed off speed and skin as I tumbled down the road.
In the Emergency Room I knew I was dying. A very strange feeling. You will probably make fun of this, but it was serious at the time. By the way, I have had that postive feeling one other time when in Viet Nam a sniper caught me out in the open. He fired twice. I knew I was going to be dead any second. But he stopped firing and I lived another day. Thankfully.
Don't know how my accident affects full face helmets, but since you asked... Sure wish I had had one on when I went down.

Chris, retired near Atlanta.
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