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Old 02-20-2009, 08:44 PM   #9
Posts: n/a
Re: changing tires yourself

Originally Posted by JWR
Here is something to check into.
AAA motorcycle policy. Sat phone.
I actually have the AAA and used it for the first time just a couple days ago, not b/c I broke down, but to have the bike towed to a shop to put new tires on and other routine maintenance. I know I'm changing the direction of the thread I started, but the mechanic calls me and tells me one of the spokes is broken from the way they towed it (not on a trailer, but rigged to the back with straps, one of which was through the wheel - yes, I questioned the driver if this was okay, but he said they tow bikes like that all the time - as a noob, I accepted that answer, even if reluctantly. Live and learn.).

Anyway, the mechanic says he's sure the way they had the strap between the spokes did it (we both saw the bike delivered to the shop, but did not watch the unloading process in its entirety and did not check the spokes before the tow truck driver left). Needless to say, the towing company refuses to admit they broke the spoke, saying it might have happened when the mechanic was changing the tire. The spoke was sheared off at the nipple (he sent me pics) and says this would not have been caused by me hitting a pothole or whatever (had the bike out 10 days or so ago and did NOT hit a pothole - wiped down tires and bike after the ride and did NOT see any damage to spokes).

Point Number One: Even if you have AAA, out in the sticks you very likely won't get a tow from a company with a proper trailer.

Point Number Two (Really a question): Yes I should have insisted on a proper trailer, even if they had to come back some other day - though AAA might refuse that demand and say I have to take what they can get. But what scenario would you say is most likely the cause of the broken spoke?

Sadly, I don't think I'll ever know and will have to pay for the repair all by my lonesome. I have a damage complaint lodged with AAA, but I"m not holding my breath.

Sorry so long,

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