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Old 02-22-2009, 08:26 PM   #25
music man
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Hot Springs Arkansas
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Re: Hey, I didn't get to chip in on the gun hijacked thread

If you commit THREE different crimes that are serious enough to get you a prison sentence on three separate occasions, in other words, do a crime, go to prison get out, do a crime...... you get the picture, you shouldn't go to prison for life, you should just be put down, because it is PAINFULLY OBVIOUS to me that you are NEVER going to be able to be a functional human being.

Just about everyone deserves a second chance, except for people who do truly heinous acts the first time, but NO ONE and I mean NO ONE deserves a fourth chance to commit a felony (especially a violent one) and just get to go to prison for a few years for it.

So I do not think that it is too harsh for someone to "just shoplift" on their third offense and get life in prison, yea it would be harsh to get life in prison for shoplifting, but that is not what we are talking about, this person has already committed several other crimes, it just so happens shoplifting was the last straw. There are some members of society that are NEVER going to contribute anything but heartache and sorrow to the world and they should be treated accordingly.

The whole drug related prison sentence thing is also a whole other issue, you have pot dealers rubbing elbows with rapists and murderers, it is truly ridiculous. :facepalm:
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