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Old 04-10-2009, 11:29 AM   #12
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Re: Helmet Use should be a personal choice

Originally Posted by Easy Rider

That pretty much sums up the "nanny state".
Do you think the government should mandate a maximum weight for everyone in the country......and make it illegal to sell red meat........and limit the amount of sugar that foods can contain ????
Never thought I'd do it, but I agree 150% with easy - except for one thing!

England is a much bigger nanny state than America. Apart from the total ban on handguns (i.e. nobody but criminals can own one) we're being bombarded on every side by government propaganda about eating habits. Every chance they get ,they chant their mantras. "you MUST eat 5 portions of green vegetables a day" "you MUST NOT add salt to your food" "you MUST change to a lower fat diet" The list goes on & on. The capitals I've used stress the way these self rightious buffoons speak to us - as though we're all half wits.

I seriously think that a lot of the legislation is just so that the government officials can justify their own jobs, or to get their names up in lights as the saviours of the masses. I mean, everyone in the world remembers McCarthy, & look what an idiot he made of himself. Another thing I've noticed, is that when they're up for election they promise us everything we ask for, but as soon as they're in office, those promises are out the window.
By birth an Englishman, by the grace of God a Yorkshireman.
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