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Old 09-24-2009, 10:35 AM   #8
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Re: my 01 suzuki volusia video and gz video's

Originally Posted by mrlmd1
While we all would like a deep, throaty exhaust, I personally think yours is a little too loud, you can still hear it three blocks away and is still quite loud when in back of the camera, 180 degrees away from the mic. I don't know how everyone in the neighborhood isn't pissed at that sound when you speed away and think you're pretty obnoxious.
Maybe people in the neighborhood actually <gasp> don't mind the sound? Its not like he's tearing up the streets acting like an ass trying to piss people off.


Hey Danny .... how is it there is zero wind noise in that peg mounted video?


What is the title of that song in the gz neck mounted vid?

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