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Old 10-23-2009, 10:10 PM   #23
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Re: Yamaha v-Star 650 Silverado edition

Originally Posted by Sarris
Dave, I do disagree with your "serious rider" comment. I happen to fit the cruiser style bike much better than a sport bike or standard. Being a large person, I find the humped tank intrusive into my (large) torso and the rear or center mounted pegs with the forward leaning position concentrates my weight directly on my (large) balls and wrists. It also causes me neck strain having to hold my head and helmut (sic) up. I find that position very uncomfortable. I just don't have the need for speed at 3x the legal speed limit. Look at the typical sportbike geek. They either ride in full leathers or in shorts, tank tops, and flip-flops. Most constantly speed and weave in and out of traffic, and a lot die on the highway because they cant "handle" the speed or can't anticipate the traffic because of their speed.

I enjoy the comfort of laid back riding with my fairing, cruise control and CD player. I have no need to look (or for that matter act) like a BOY racer. As far as miles ridden, I'll keep up with anyone.

Please don't assume that people who ride a touring or cruiser bike lack riding skill or seriousness in their focus. That is not at all the case. Just different strokes for different folks.

You're a good man Dave, but you sound like the typical high brow BMW rider who thinks their shit doesn't stink. And you're flat wrong about cruiser/ touring bikes and cruiser/touring people.

Soooooo........ :fu: (I mean that in the nicest way. LOL)

I, for one, find my Marauder to be far more practical than any of my previous bikes (GZ, Kawasaki KZ550, and Suzuki Katana). With the Mustang seat is is also the most comfortable bike I've had, though I do have to give credit to the Katana's seat, which for a stock seat was amazingly comfortable as long as you ignore the nut-crunching ergonomics of the bike itself.

Standards are nice, but my KZ wasn't great on the interstate. Talk about wind buffeting! Sure, you could add a windshield, but my Marauder cuts through the air at 70 MPH with surprising ease, so easily in fact that I think I'll only NEED a windshield if I actually do any significant amount of touring. For my daily 15 mile trek on the interstate I'm content with my bike as it is.

Just goes to show that everyone is different, with different preferences. I'm quite content with the performance of my 800cc cruiser. Considering I had to keep the RPMs on my Katana down in 1st and 2nd gear to help preserve the tranny, my Marauder is nearly as quick as the Kat up to about 45 MPH. It won't leap ahead at interstate speeds like the Katana would, but the family jewels are thanking me now that each bump and seam in the road isn't being directly transmitted to my crotch like it was on the Kat.

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