Thread: Saddle Bags
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Old 11-29-2009, 01:55 AM   #2
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Re: Saddle Bags

Suzuki sells saddlebags and saddlebag supports specifically for the GZ.. Any dealer can order them. I think you might be able to buy them direct as well. Use the search feature, I think there are some threads and pictures on here. I have them on mine. They are on the small side, but, then again, they sort of have to be as there's not a lot of room between the fender and the exhaust pipe. If you can't find pictures, let me know and I'll take some and post.

They are a little tricky to install as it involved getting a socket wrench up inside the wheel well and onto a bolt head so it doesn't slip when you are tightening the nut. But I'm not exactly Mr. Tool Time and I got the whole thing done in under an hour. Probably could have been easier if there'd been room for a lock washer.

I'm not a huge fan of the Suzuki bags. I'm more of a ballistic nylon zipper/velcro guy and these are leather with buckles. Look kind of girlie and a pain to fasten and unfasten.
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