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Old 12-02-2009, 04:50 AM   #19
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Re: Riding in the rain...

We have a BIG problem with cars/rain in Tenerife. The Spanish are just not used to those conditions, so when it DOES rain, one of two things happen. They either just keep on driving at the same crazy speed (and I've never seen a rainy day, yet, without 3 or 4 BAD accidents) or they slow down to walking pace, holding everyone up, & causing the mad drivers to overtake & cause even more accidents. I reckon that it's not more traffic cops handing out tickets that they need - just more educating. Having driven in England for most of my life, rain is just a way of life on the roads, so it amazes me, just how much it throws the Spanish drivers. Thank God it never snows!
By birth an Englishman, by the grace of God a Yorkshireman.
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