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Old 12-04-2009, 11:11 AM   #27
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Re: Got a ticket on bike, what to do?

yes i know that if i want to plead guilty i can sign that paper and send the money with that to the court but i do not want to PLAINLY plead guilty and pay the money and in turn they put points on my license. Going alone is one option, lawyer another and as said it is not the guarantee. and as I do not have a bad record so I can take my chances and go alone and if not argue (even politely) ask for forgiveness (hands clapsed) that I am sorry and I have no previous record and keep praying inside my heart.

The question is if I ask for forgiveness (pray for justice), means I am pleading guilty or not and can at the same time suggest that may be the police office was not accurate in judgement?
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