Thread: Coffee
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Old 02-10-2010, 05:46 PM   #10
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Re: Coffee

Originally Posted by Sarris
(Do you really want to drink coffee and ride????)
Thanks - these look like they might work with the Strat but are a little much for the GZ.

I don't think I'd have much opportunity to drink and ride, but two situations come up a lot:

1) I've made a multicup brew at home and want to take the last 12-16oz's into the office (my office coffee is not the greatest and is usually gone or cold by the time I show up. For those keeping score, the gals use an electric percolator. It's not bad if you drink it right away, but it has the same overcooking problem if it's been sitting. We've been through about ten devices in the last five years.) My commute is only about 10-12 minutes.
2) I want to stop by Starbuck's on the way in.

Neither of these is currently a viable option, although I have successfully transported a few cups in the Strat saddlebags.

I think some kind of a clip-on would be good - so it don't clutter up the works when I'm out shooting zombies.
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