Thread: Fuses
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Old 02-22-2010, 12:42 AM   #10
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Missouri
Posts: 4
Re: Fuses

Man....I've had the SAME PROBLEMS....except, I've taken it to the dealership three times. They keep occuring so I haven't rode the motorcycle in four months. The first time I thought it was coincidence....but, it's happened to me over nine times (with 3 shop visits). The sad thing is the dearlship fixed it three times under warranty (but, the problem was never fixed) and I tried taking it back less than a month after my warranty expired and they want to charge $75/hr to repair a problem that was never fixed in the first place.

I don't know if the problem has bad mechanics or if this is a deffect from Suzuki. My greatest complaint is....The first time it happened to me I was riding at night going 55-60MPH and the fuse blew...resulting in me going down the highway at that speed (at night) with NO HEADLIGHT, couldn't see a thing....and that highway is full of barbedwire fences since there are a lot of farms around.

P.S. My bike started doing this around 1,000 miles and it has 3,000 total now (9+ fuses blew), (3 Visits to the dealership mechanics). 2008 GZ 250 purchased with "0" miles on it. Missouri dealership
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