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Old 02-26-2010, 05:54 PM   #17
Water Warrior 2
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Re: Ear plugs and full lids...

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
One thing I want to warn you about... Losing your hearing is not good, but what is even worse is developing tinnitus, which I prefer to think of as losing your silence. I am not sure of the relationship between riding the Strat and the low level, near constant ringing in my ears, but I have already permanently lost some of my "silence." So far, I only notice it when it's supposed to be silent but, once you have it, it can be very maddening. Since it is essentially "hearing" things that are not there, I suspect it does not go away, even if your hearing does.

That being said, I have not got into the habit of ear plugs for shorter (and sometimes, longer) rides. I don't think the GZ is that loud. The Strat definitely is, especially on freeways.
Started loosing my silence about 30 years ago. Tinnitus will drive you half nuts on ocassions. I never have a totally soundless moment, there is always the ringing in my head. Loud jobs, loud music, loud cars will do that to you. Air compressors, electric kitchen equipment all have an accummulating effect that not everyone is aware of in day to day living. Oh here's one, sound effects from games and such. Some are very harsh on the hearing.
So please be careful and protect your hearing. I can think of a lot of things I would have done differently when younger but of course you can't turn back time.
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