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Old 03-05-2010, 03:22 PM   #24
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Re: Putting it into perspective...

Anyone want to talk about the politicians, whose sole purpose in life is to get re-elected rather than serve the good of the populace that elected them?
The banks, insurance industry, tobacco industry, and innumerable others spend so much money supporting their own interests and re-election campaigns, lobbyists, advertising (often if not most always, false), that if that money was spent here on healthcare, schools, infrastructure, and other people-oriented things, this country would not only survive in the world, but flourish. In many area, this country is third world and continues sinking under special interest groups with the money to further themselves.
If you do good (financially, as well as philanthropically), nothing wrong with spending your disposable income as you see fit. I worked my ass off all my life 'till now, did a lot for less advantaged people, and now, if I want to do for myself (and ? helping out the economy in my own way), then I will do that as long as I can.
What this country needs is to seriously think about elections and get those people in charge who will do the right thing, and get rid of politicians who just aim to stay in power, screw the people for themselves.
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