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Old 03-06-2010, 11:30 AM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Liverpool
Posts: 39
Re: TU 250 Volty trouble

i did try riding with the choke on but the vibes just rock it shut when its warmed up, its a pull on one next to the petrol tap, as said its fine in the first 3 gears and normally the 4th

i did wonder about the 16 tooth fr cog, so i take it thats going up one and just riding it as a 4 speed then ?
how much difference does that make to the around town nippyness of the bike ?
ive found a place selling 2 down rr cogs pretty cheap, maybe that would be a good comprimise

Im going to have to try and get on another pc to see the manual (wont load up for some reason) but can anyone tell just what the differences are between the tu and gz engines ?
I know the carbs are a different set up and not much else
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