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Old 03-24-2010, 02:16 PM   #18
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Location: Toronto Canada
Posts: 165
Re: Beware of Gravel

HAHAHA Ok Ill share my two storys and what worked for me.

Was at my grandparents cottage. mother and I took the bike out. I wanted to take the seenic rout. Forgot that is was like 10mins or more of gravile ad hard hard sandy read way. And even had a hill that turns. I kept it at about 40KPH not miles lol and when we got to the hill man it was scary going up. But having someone on the back did give me better tracktion on the way up. Anywho after 10 or 15min of gravil (cuz I was going slowly) it ended. So I showed my mom what black beauty can do and really opened he up on paved road!! Then On the way back I was not thinking and went the same way :poke2: Again drivin on the road was not that bad cuz I kept it stright but when it came to the down hill right turn with a stop sign at the bottum. I have never been so scared on the bike EVER! I dont mind falling and I have that one time on the grass and the bike show now grass is slippery even more so when you are trin to get some air off a hill, but thats another story :popcorn: , I would feel so bad if I fell so bad if I fall with someone on the back and even worse if it was my mom. (Plus se would kill me :lol: ) So I had both breaks on only to slow me down and not go any faster I did not lock them up and made the turn very gently. I tell you if I had to I could not stop. There was no cars so I slowly went threw the stop sign. But I tell you if you keep it slow and like everyone said dont make any suden moves. Cuz I know I could do that ride by myself easy. Our bikes are light so they dont really dig in when you turn. Just make the turn as wide and slow as you can. Long story short I kept it slow and gental used both brakes gently and I was fine!

Another time a friend and I were heading down a hill he told me it was a small road that got really turny so I was going a bike fast I think 40kph or so. it was kinda a steep hill. All road when we were gettiung to the part were he said the road forks he was telling me slowdown the road turns left. I oculd not see the turn off and could only see a right turn. he was like yo yo its a drive way. I did not care and was going way to fast to just stop. His driveway was gravil. So I hit the breaks outta fear locked both wheels up (only going about 30 or 40kph). Slid like 2 feet or so. Bike stated to lean over. My friend is about 6ish feet. So he put his leg down and stopped they bike from going down. My edvise. Ride around with a tall guy on the back to save the bike when needed!! :lol:

So bike stopped I asked him were is this other turn? We walk over to were he was pointing. IT WAS THE EDGE OF A CLIFF!!!!! THERE WAS NO MORE ROAD! I asked him have you gone thisway before. He said ya with my car just not this far down the road! :skull:

So always have a tall guy just dont listen to him!
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