Thread: What happened
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Old 04-18-2010, 04:54 PM   #7
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Re: What happened

You probably squeezed the front brake to slow down as you went around the corner. That is a big mistake, the bike will go down almost every time. Set up your speed, ie., brake or let off the throttle while the bike is still straight up, BEFORE entering the turn. If you want to slow down in the turn, or if you are going really slow and do not want to fall over, use a little rear brake, it stabilizes the bike. You have to play with the clutch, the "friction zone" too. This may not make any sense to you right now.
Take the MSF class, you will learn what to do and how to control the bike, that's what it's for. No sense in getting hurt or damaging the bike trying to learn this yourself. And make sure you take the class, do not have a friend try and teach you how to ride.
Now that you have the bike, if you don't already, get a good fitting full face helmet, armored jacket, gloves, boots, riding pants, and get yourself ready. Read Proficient Motorcycling by David Hough while you are waiting to take the class. You practice AFTER the class, not now.
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