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Old 08-31-2007, 08:16 PM   #12
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 5
Easy Rider: You are the the man!!! :bow:

So I went out to have a look at the switch (sliver plunger) and noticed that one of the screws that holds it in place was missing. So when the side-stand is up, instead of pushing the plunger in, it was pushing it off to the side. I realigned the switch and replaced the missing screw... PRESTO!!!

I seriously owe you one as this has been driving me crazy! I would buy you a beer if Illinois was a little closer to Arizona :rawk:

And thank you to everyone else who put in their $.02 ... that's what makes this board the best place on earth for GZ help.

All in all, I feel a little sheepish for not figuring this out on my own, but I suppose I can't beat myself up too bad as this IS my first bike. What I am still curious about is why don't they have any diagrams or pictures of the silver plunger switch in the manual? Am I missing something?
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