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Old 05-02-2010, 10:25 PM   #17
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Syracuse, NY
Posts: 83
Re: Backpack Recommendations??

Originally Posted by BillInGA
Originally Posted by SuziQ07
I sincerely appreciate all your thoughts and input. Before I actually purchase a backpack I decided to try wearing my old L.L. Bean backpack and see how it feels...if it pulls me down or feels funny etc. I'm a teacher so I need some sort of bag to bring all my papers home to grade! :roll:
I've been using a Cortech Sport tail bag since I bought my GZ250 4 years ago. I soon realized that the (Suzuki?) saddle bags were woefully inadequate. The tail bag bungees on securely and has little pockets for the hooks when you take in off the bike. Plenty of room for paper, work appropriate shoes, lunch, etc. I carries like a briefcase and even comes with a handy shoulder strap (I've never used it, though).

Cortech Sport Tail Bag
Oh yeah, I saw the pictures of your bike and the Cortech bag you're using. I'm thinking that might work well for me...I bookmarked the page on the newenough website. You don't worry about the bungees coming loose? I've heard that regular old bungee cords can lose their elasticity and snap while you're riding...not sure if this is a safety concern or not? My dad saw a guy on a bike once who had a jacket tied down to the back of his bike and a sleeve came loose and got caught up in the wheel! :shocked:
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