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Old 05-03-2010, 01:36 PM   #22
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Re: My 2007 GZ and new textile jacket

Sorry BB, I didn't mean to single out YOU especially, I was referring to all the three posts after mine - that's the fault of the printed word rather than direct voice communication. Those three comments indicated or inferred that my post about THINKING of a full face or a shield and other gear was over the top, and to get criticized for something like that on here is outlandish to say the least. I never said or implied that that was the only way to go, it was a suggestion. And other people actually agree with me as evidenced by the two previous posts to this one. People should read what's written on here before jumping out just to make some kind of ridiculous comment.
An opinion or suggestion is just that and should be respected for what is is, take it or leave, post your own. There is no reason for a rant if you don't agree or don't even actually understand what is said if you can't read it.
And peace to you all, that's what we all want, and to learn from each other and stay safe while we enjoy the ride. You are all free to do what you want, just don't jump off the handle at someone else when it's not appropriate.
mrlmd1 is offline  
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