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Old 06-17-2010, 10:34 PM   #17
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Syracuse, NY
Posts: 83
Re: Me and my 2001 GZ250

Wow, that was fast! I bought my GZ250 on April 1st and I'm still spending a lot of practice time in the middle school parking lot near my house! I have ventured out to some more rural roads during slower traffic times. I practice once or twice a week, and I'm just starting to feel more confident. Every time I ride I learn something new, and get just a tiny bit better. I personally don't see myself needing to upgrade for a long time. Rode my bike a couple of weeks ago to our local Dinosaur Barbecue Restaurant/Biker Bar and I felt proud parking it next to a Harley beast of a bike!!
I hope someday Harley may decide to make a mid-size bike in the 500 range. They have ignored a huge market for a long time (speaking as a woman). There is no way I would feel comfortable learning to ride on a Sportster! :tongue:
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