Thread: My first bike
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Old 06-28-2010, 09:48 AM   #20
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Posts: 21
Re: My first bike

That's awesome I really like what you wrote. In other countries like you mentioned the bikes tend to be smaller and they all serve a very practical purpose. In North America our society portrays motorcycles differently. The bigger, faster, shinier and louder the bike is the more valued it is. Nothing really wrong with that it's just the way it is. It's the ego I think is the problem. The ego believes that bigger and faster is better and to be honest sometimes I struggle with that because there are times I wish I was on a bigger bike. Its an ego thing I know but in my heart I am very content with my GZ its the perfect bike for me at this time. As a first year rider I really enjoy riding it and I am always excited about my next ride. Maybe because I am still a new rider and the excitement will probably wear off over time but for now my little GZ makes me happy and that's all that matters. I think its good for the soul and I can see myself riding and feeling the same kind of excitement for many more years to come.

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