Thread: Ever crashed?
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Old 10-07-2010, 05:34 PM   #44
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Burlington, VT
Posts: 9
Re: Ever crashed?

Had my first unplanned exit just a few hours ago. I'm sore, got a nice hematoma forming on my hip, a little bit of road rash, but I walked away and the bike's only got scratches on front fender, mirror, brake fluid box, brake, footpeg and exhaust.

Was making a tight hairpin turn on what's *supposed* to be a one-way road up a little mountain/big hill. Right in the bendiest part of that turn I met a car who'd decided to use the ascending road to descend (there are two separate roads- one up, one down; I was going up). I grabbed a fistful of front brake while still turning and lowsided. Was only going 15-20mph max, and was wearing a helmet, jacket, boots so it's really not bad, just enough to put a little fear in me- which will make me pay attention better next time I'm out.

I wanted to be mad at the drivers coming down the wrong direction on a wet and slippery, leafy one lane road. But really- I wasn't paying as close attention as I could have and I grabbed that fistful of brake without righting myself first. It could have been a deer, or a kid walking down that path instead of a car going wrong way, and I think the result would have been the same- I still would have lowsided. It's a great wake up call that no matter how attentive you think you're being, that one instant can change everything.

To add insult to injury, my bike's been having problems starting (??need carb cleaner/change plugs??? will post in another section of forum if I can't troubleshoot it out) and so I had to pop it into first to get it started again to get home. Embarrassing in front of the two ladies I'd just skidded out in front of!
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