Thread: Newest Toy
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Old 04-05-2011, 08:27 AM   #29
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Re: Newest Toy

Took the whole family riding one after in Chickamauga Battlefield. My middle sister, Julie, knows how to ride but she is pretty new to. So new in fact that she didn't even have her own bike. So on the way up to the Battlefield, we stopped at K-mart (I think) and got her a cheap-o mountain bike.

Things were going great for a while. We were cruising along, just enjoying the scenery and being outside.
Then, later in the ride, after having taken a 10 minute breather and water break, Juli was the first to jump out ahead of us and lead us up the next hill. Just as she eclipsed the crest of the hill and the top of blonde head disappeared behind the brim, we all heard this huge explosion coming from her direction. Now, my mom, who is prone to over reaction anyway, immediately thought that my sister had been accidentially shot by a drunk hunter, even though firearms are strictly prohibited on battlefiend grounds. Some of the other in the group were just kind of scratching their heads, wondering what it could have been...

I cranked up the hill and saw her just standing there beside her bike with a bewildered look on her face. Her back tire, which oddly had held up for about 6-8 miles, had just ripped itself apart. The tube, even though it only had roughly 45-50psi in it, let loose along the seam (a manufacturing flaw) and everything else was a downhill ride from there.

We weren't that far from the car so I pedaled over and drove the Tahoe back to K-mart, bought a replacement inner-tube, this time with SLIME and we finished our little ride.

I guess you could say we had a blast
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