Thread: SOLAS anyone?
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Old 04-03-2008, 04:24 PM   #6
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: southeast VA
Posts: 171
Thanks for the offer but I'm pretty much covered.......stock windshield, Zero Gravity Double Bubble, Small Duke and Touring Duke. The best part is I didn't really buy any of them (unless you count the stock one as a "buy" since it came with the bike); the small duke shield was given to me by a friend, and when I bought a Corbin Gunfighter seat from another ninja-forum member, he threw in the Double Bubble and touring Dukes' shields for free! I don't know why I have so many windshields, I really prefer to ride without the fairing and shield on.

I don't really go "touring" much, at least not as a deliberate idea; rather I just mean that taking that weeklong get-away on the bike is no biggie since I have the luggage-space and can ride pretty much all day with no issues of discomfort. Longest ride in one stretch so far has been about 7 hours, but I like to take my time and see the surroundings, I'm never in much of a hurry to get anywhere when riding. I don't see the appeal of the IBR style rides (see how far you can go in the shortest amount of time), kinda defeats the purpose of riding if you ask me. A lot of the veteran guys at the ninja-forum are huge in to it though, but I just don't understand it personally. A couple of them have actually entered and finished the big IBR race (11,000 miles in 11 days) and I think it's neat that a little 250cc bike can keep up with the big boys, but once again the point of it all is kinda lost on me. For me the most interesting part is the engineering aspects of how they modify their bikes, they think up some neat ideas. One of them who lives a few hours away from me custom welds up huge 10 gallon fuel tanks for long-distance about never needing to fill up!

You can order the reflective tape online, I've heard of a lot of people getting it from the 3M and Aerostitch (sp?) websites. I got all mine from a riding buddy who has a daughter that works for an advertising agency, she gets the stuff in big fat rolls. There's also the generic kind you can buy at hardware stores (seen it in Lowes' and Home Depot before, around the mailbox-lettering area, they keep it with the big plastic mailbox fact you can see that I have two of them on one of the boxes), though I don't know how effective it is.

I have to ask, what happened to your EX ?
Ride safe
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~By a route obscure and lonely,
haunted by ill angels only~
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