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Old 06-25-2011, 02:02 PM   #99
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Cape Girardeau, MO
Posts: 90
Re: Add a Tachometer

Oh, and it turns out you really don't need to take the tank off to install the tach. The first time I tried installing it, I took the tank off, but then after I got it all back together, I realized I had soldered the green wire to the orange wire instead of the white one, so it didn't work. I really didn't feel like taking the tank back off, so I tried with it on. I was able to get the green and orange unsoldered and then resolder the green wire to the white one without taking the tank off. I was initially going to solder the red and blue wires to the coil, but decided to go ahead with everyone else's suggestion of wiring them to the horn, which doesn't require taking the tank off either.

Actually, I didn't even need solder for the red and blue wires. I just striped back the wire housing to expose about 1/2" of wire, then shoved the red wire up the female connectors hole, then shoved the blue wire up the other female connector's hole and shoved the plug back on. Seemed to work just fine. I'll take it for a ride here in a little bit and see how it goes.

And to anyone else attempting this, just to warn you, don't tighten the ground wire too much. The black wire is kinda weak and will break if you tighten it up too much. This frustrated the hell out of me the first couple times I tightened it up and it broke.

One more thing, if you don't have a volt tester or are too lazy to go get it, I found that just unplugging the horn and sticking the wires in each of the female connectors and turning the bike on is a great way to figure out which is + and which is - . Well, if the tach lights up and the needle jumps to 8 and then goes back down when you switch the bike on, its the right one, if not, its the wrong one. And its a faster way to do so too! lol

I'm glad I finally got it installed, but damn that needle bounces a lot. I'm used to my car though that idles pretty smooth most of the time. Kinda funny, my car has 209,000 miles and still idles smoother than my bike that has 6,000 miles. This also makes me think I need to run some more seafoam through the carb.
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