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Old 11-25-2011, 10:58 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Happy in Raleigh,NC
Posts: 155
I got hired ! In Raleigh !!

Hey fellas. I arrived here 11 days ago, on the 14th. Haven't met gzrider yet, though I guess eventually I will. He told me he was "a bit of a loner". I can respect that.

Anyway, I started sending out resumes and applying for everything, whether it was technical or not. I almost had a seasonal job with the UPS as a driver's helper. But they never processed my application, even after a pretty good face to face interview.

Anyway, last monday a friend sends me a link to a company called ACS, they do Call Center work, for a few companies, and specifically for Apple. When the new ipad or iphone gives you trouble, you call customer service. So I fill out the online application, and that same evening, I get a call, they like my application so far, and they set up a personal interview for the 25th, today. So I get my friend to drive me there, I get interviewed by the first guy. He is impressed with my past experience as a repair tech, so he says to me to stick around for a 2nd interview by a lady who works for the "CPU" call center.

So she asked me like mabye 40 or 50 questions, some were written, some were off the cuff, and I saw her writing down notes on every answer I gave her. So, they made me an offer right there, and of course I accepted.
They said :
* its a fulltime Pemanent job
* I get Medical + dental
* Life insurance
* 401 K plan
* Direct deposit
* Pay raise after 4 months

I'm going to answer calls for tech support for CPUs , Apple pcs. I start training Dec 12, fulltime training. Only 5 miles away from this house I'm staying at. The guy was impressed with my tech knowledge, after he interviewed me, another woman interviewed me. They were both impressed. So I am going to give tech support to other techs, not end users.

I looked the guy straight in the eye and asked him "will this be temporary ? or Permanent ?" He said "no, Eddie this is a permanent job offer" ..... I already signed the agreement. :2tup:

So, 13 months in NYC and no job, then just 11 days in Raleigh and I got this gift from god. I want to shout special thanks to Gzrider , and Water Warrior, and Rookie Rider. For encouraging me, also Jonathan and Alan and Mole, I think they all gave me that little push/encouragement to take a chance and move out of NYC and go to Raleigh.
I like everybody I've met in this forum. I got my geezer with me, I'm gonna have to learn the route to the job in the next 2 weeks. Next year, I might get a VStrom , like WW has, but I'm still gonna hang out right here. I'm so happy, I'm almost speechless. I am already getting in touch with the APA so I can play 8ball tuesday nights, and then , maybe I might meet a honey to play with me wednesday nights ... hehehe
Eddie Colon -- Raleigh,NC

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