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Old 05-22-2008, 02:16 PM   #14
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Valdosta, Ga
Posts: 6
I'm not a mechanic, but it seems to me that if you help with the airflow, from intake to output, even a little better air flow might help things out. Releasing the backpressure in the muffler means less restricited air flow, add in allowing better airflow through the airfilter by turning it around. There is no practical way (for me) to measure the increased airflow through the filter since it is under the side cover but even minute pressure from outside forcing (a strong word that I am using to illustrate a point, in actuallity its probably a little closer to the drips from a faucet when you don't shut it off tight enough) air in causes the engine to work less hard. Anything you can do to decrease the workload on the engine is good, as far as I am concerned. 5 mph in a car or larger bike isn't much of a difference, granted, but for me, 5 mph constitutes a huge improvement on this bike.

I'm from S. Georgia, atmospheric conditions dont change THAT much on any given day down here. From mid/late spring to late fall you can expect 80-95% humidity, 75-95 degrees, and rain just about everyday, when we're not in a drought. Barmeteric pressures stay relatively the same except just before and just after a big storm (which we haven't had many of recently, hence the drought).

I would LOVE to get 70-75 mph on my bike. It just aint gonna happen unless I put a big bore kit on or perhaps swap the muffle out and rejet. I am seriously considering the 16T front sproket if i can find one.

One thing I have noticed from reading over the boards, everybodies bike is a little different. It even seems the "stock" bikes achieve different speed ranges. I don't know the why's or werefore's or the why not's for that matter. All i can say is what I've done to mine and what improvements (or lack of) that I've seen. If i had dyno'd it before and after and had some real empiricle evidence that could be repeated over and over, then there would be something to argue over. As it is, all I've got is my observations. Take it for what's it worth, love it or leave it, opinions are like a certain body part, everyons got one and they all stink, (add whatever cliche you want here).
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