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Old 12-03-2011, 02:49 PM   #61
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Sacramento, CA
Posts: 296
Re: Cleaning chain with kerosine?

Originally Posted by ecr959
Wow. I'm very impressed. You commute 200 miles a day ? On the gz ?
Well, it's about 85 miles each way, so 170 total, but often I get to town a bit early and drive around so the miles go up from there. Usually I can just make it to the same gas station every day, sometimes using the reserve and sometimes not, and it depends on if there was any sort of wind that day.

I have to admit it was kinda harsh until I got a gel seat pad on ebay, and even then it's kinda just bearable on the backside, but I really wish I had a better seat. I'm going to get an old seat on ebay and pad it up like Mr. Softee did on one of the old threads on here, one of these days. I usually ride every other day partly because I do grocery shopping and partly because it kinda hurts.

Oh, and Y'know, Gz Rider, I didn't even know that about the chain. I knew it was a rust preventative, but I didn't know it had it's own built in lubrication on the inside. That's really cool. Probably explains why mine hasn't broken into pieces and fallen off yet since I've been so lax in the oiling department. (only oiled it once in about 2000 miles so far)

I really need to get some kerosene. Like, today.

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