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Old 03-15-2012, 01:44 PM   #124
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Anaheim, CA
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Re: Not the speed I expected.

Glad your bike is fixed (I rode a 750 in a big circle around Illinois summer of '09 and it would do 80 easy. I weigh 175 though.)
Re the "bigger is better" or "bigger is not better" I wanted to say this: Bigger IS better for some things: Acceleration, high speed cruising (hours at 80+), Two up riding, camping gear, wind, rough road and more. Bigger IS WORSE for other things: the biggest thing it's worse for is GAS MILEAGE. I have a big old beast I love to ride, but I go to the gas station a LOT. Get a real report on the cruising range of the bike. If it's less than 250 miles, think about your riding habits and how often you want to visit Mr. Mobile. Second biggest problem is - I can't pick it up. No way, no how, no video, no technique FORGET ABOUT IT. If she goes down, I'm going to need help. If it goes down in Death Valley, I got to hope some bigger fool comes along. For that reason, I generally don't ride on less travelled roads. Third: insurance. It doesn't cost as much to insure if you have three bikes and they're all not new, but it is more costly. Fourth: Tires. Not sure if you go through them faster but they are bigger and I think more expensive. Still, even with all of these issues, I am willing to bet practically everyone on this forum would love riding my Strat. Each person has to think about what's important to them. My solution has been to have three bikes, but that has issues too.
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