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Old 05-12-2012, 07:09 PM   #3
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Lubbock, TX
Posts: 629
Re: Look out for algae!

Originally Posted by mrlmd1
You got lucky, glad you and the bike are OK.
That must have looked like something out of a Keystone Cops movie, too bad no one got it on video.
The only way to survive something like that is to go straight ahead, no turning the wheel if you can help it.
Why is a situation like that allowed to exist? Complain to the local police and highway dept.
Oh, forgot, you live in Texas. :poke2:
Actually, it was designed that way. I was riding in the hoity-toity area of multi-million dollar homes built on the cliffs and into the hills, with hilly, winding narrow roads. The stream feeds their man-made lake; I'm not sure why it was designed like that, but that is the way they wanted it.

Maybe to keep motorcycles out.

I will ignore your jibe at Texas, since my family and I enjoyed our 4 years on the Space Coast and have nothing bad to say about your state. Except for the hurricane scares. And the Palmetto bugs (giant flying cockroaches that smack into the side of your head). But overall, it was a bit of paradise where we lived.
2007 Shadow Spirit 750

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