Thread: Brake Snapped
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Old 11-05-2012, 12:29 AM   #6
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Re: Brake Snapped

Originally Posted by bpdchief
WOW has anyone else experienced this?? Kinda scary. You Master Mechanics out there chime in with theories as to what caused this so we lesser mortals can inspect our bikes PLEASE :shocked:
That whole system is pretty straight-forward and seemingly bulletproof.
I always hate to do this, but from where I sit
it seems like it is more than likely user-error.
He did mention working on it a short while back;
it could have been something reversed, hooked up wrong,
or even something silly like forgetting to reinsert the cotter pin
if it was removed. Something apparently came loose:
he states that the bike was moving when this happened,
which eliminates any parts failure from working the brakes,
everything except something working loose.
Thank God nobody/nothing else but the bike was damaged.
The hardest part of repairing it will probably be jacking the back of the bike up!
Let us know if you find any more info as to the cause.
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