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Old 06-22-2008, 06:15 AM   #14
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Location: Tacoma, Washington
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so, i bought the bike with a windshield so i can't really say it's a mod i've done... but after going on a 100 mile ride without it today, DAMN. i wish i had kept it on.

i like the way itlooks without it, but there is a HUGE difference in how the ride feels. the wind beating against your chest just makes you feel way slower. in hot weather it's nice, but at night it sucks.

also, having saddlebags (or some other kind of storage) is awesome too. i bought a gatorade and had to throw away half of it because i coudn't bring it with me (i took my saddlebags off too).

so in case you didn't catch that:
1. windshield
2. storage
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