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Old 04-27-2013, 04:56 AM   #12
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Re: My GZ250 mod project

Originally Posted by Rookie Rider
I always wear earplugs, even before i cut the muffler off my gz. I recently made a homemade baffle because long trips were brutal on my right ear. I was literally deaf for 2 days in my right ear more then once. Bike looks great tho.
Aw, c'mon guys. Why do you think that the noisier the bike, the cooler it sounds. That just annoys the hell out of ordinary folk, and gives bikers a bad name. I'm proud to say that I've had several compliments from my neighbours, about how quiet my bike is. I know I'm an old guy, but I've no idea why todays youngsters think that they need their bikes, music, etc so loud that they're forcing their taste on everyone else.

Rant over - but I needed to get that off my chest. :2tup:

The reason that I feel so strongly about this is that I'm partially deaf. There are certain frequencies that I can't hear. I have to wear hearing aids. Thing is, when I went for my first hearing test, the doctor said that, because of my hearing pattern, he thought that it was industrial deafness. Fifty years ago, when I started working, nobody thought about health & safety, nobody wore ear protectors, so we just accepted the noise levels. Even in the Air Force we weren't issued with ear protectors on the firing range. Then you calmly accept that the bike noise made you deaf for a couple of days. The only thing that exessive noise does is line the pockets of the hearing aid manufacturers. I just wish that I knew fifty years ago what I know now. I don't suppose for a moment that I've changed the minds of "the noisier the better" crowd, but From my own experience, I know which road I'd go down.
By birth an Englishman, by the grace of God a Yorkshireman.
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