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Old 11-04-2013, 10:56 AM   #6
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Re: Does anyone give you a hard time for riding a 250?

I get crap from my coworkers all the time, which is funny cause I bought my bike form one of them. I tell them the same thing I tell my wife when she gives me crap about riding period (another story for another time). I tell them "I ride for me and right now a 250 makes me happy. It's simple enough I can do whatever I want (except make it run at this point) and I can afford to change, customize, and do whatever I feel like"

The comments are usually..."why did you wrap the pipes on a 250?" or some other question about why I'm putting money into such a small bike. I give the same answer, " It makes me happy and I enjoy it"

If they don't get that answer then they don't get why you'd have a bike in the first place.
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