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Old 03-05-2014, 06:32 PM   #47
Water Warrior 2
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Originally Posted by mainlinecoffee View Post
Well I guess for a little background my parents are both hardworking middle class liberals with a taste for fine wine stank cheese and bicycling. I was sort of thrown out of the closet at 15 and they had more love for me than I did. Granted I had a lot of other problems at the time. To this day I can't really grasp the concept of being proud...proud to be gay or proud to be white Irish catholic black short tall or any of it...why would I feel proud to get the shit end of the stick in a game of genetic roulette? I am not ashamed of who I am but I don't see the point.
Genetic Roulette is just Natures way of showing another form of diversity in all life on this planet. Humans are not the only species to have gay members. Even Dolphins have gays in their species.
I am very lucky to live in a very accepting local. The fellow at Starbucks is gay and serves me tea. No big deal. A waitress down the road serves me dinner now and again. I don't care that she is gay, she is a real beauty to look at.
Lynda's second son is gay. It was his wedding that I attended. He and his mate have parted company lately but nothing due to being gay. Just being human like the rest of us. They have moved on and a divorce may be in their future. Sh*t happens. Do I care for them? You bet. They are both fine individuals and I get a heartfelt hug whenever I see them. It feels right to hug a person who is part of your life. Now if I could just hug the waitress down the road.
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