Thread: Windblast
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Old 07-16-2008, 01:51 AM   #4
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Arizona, Tempe
Posts: 174
It's kind of freaky the first few times, but you eventually get used to it. I'd suggest that you get really comfortable on your bike before you hit the highways, due mainly to things like this.

A little off-topic, but an interesting story nonetheless:

A few months ago, I was riding up into the mountains through the canyons and I approached a tunnel carved into a hillside; didn't think anything of it really and I was just cruising along at about 55mph. As I got about 50 feet from the entrance of the tunnel I hit a wall of wind that was coming out of the tunnel and probably pushed me 7-8 feet sideways and probably dropped my speed 10-15mph instantly. Pretty scary on a mountain pass, where there's a cliff on one side and oncoming traffic and a rock wall on the other. That's still one of my favorite rides in the state, though; beautiful scenery and a drastic change in climate and the whole loop can be done in about 4hrs. It's just a little scary in some parts where you're twisting up into the mountains and have to deal with the wind whipping through the canyons.
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