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Old 08-18-2008, 02:04 AM   #7
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Join Date: Jul 2008
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...Eventually, they did let me use my own bike. One of the guys was kind of a dick about it.

I had checked with one of the instructors ahead of time, and he said, "Sure, no problem, as long as its a 350cc or less." But when I rode it over to the"tent" the head honcho got all crazy, "You can't park that here!" So I moved it way off to the side. Then he insisted I remove it from the course (the course is like a quarter mile of parking lot.) So I did. Walked all the way back. Then I asked the other guy, just what the eff I was supposed to do if I wanted to ride my own bike. And he told me to go get it again. Off I go on Yet Another Hike in My Heavy Black Riding Shit On a 100 Degree Day. Plus my lunch was strapped on the back.

They checked to see it was basically in working order and that I had proof of insurance, and after that, I was good to go. I was the only one on both courses riding my own bike. About half of the other guys had bikes but they were all too big.

The two week riding advantage didn't help me much on the figure eight. I effed it up pretty good every single time, *except* on the test. That one time,even though I was crapping my pants (take note Sarris) I aced it. Just lucky I guess. Practically everyone else went over the line, put their foot down, or both, but I don't think they failed anybody just because of that. I think you can get up to 20 points off and still pass.
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