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Old 08-18-2008, 02:27 AM   #8
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Anaheim, CA
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Hey primal...

I think we might have had those same two ladies in my class. We had these two young gals and their boyfriend/brother? who helped make both range days 6 hours long instead of the advertised 5. In addition to dropping their bikes numerous times, they were frequently nowhere to be found after breaks, nearly ran over the instructors a few times, and often would just head off in random directions and had to be chased down and corralled. To be fair, they were both about 4'10" and had trouble touching the ground when mounted up and their first language was Vietnamese, so there was a lot of confusion.

One guy was late for work both days because of them and was really getting steamed. Ironically, after being one of the star students, he went down hard on the swerve test just before it was my turn in the "box" and didn't getup for about ten minutes. He eventually did the limp of shame back to his truck. He was a big badass looking guy and his ignomious exit was one of the saddest things I've seen.

One of the two ladies actually passed!

We had one vet rider - he compared the class to "watching paint dry", but he said you had to take it if you wanted to take the Experienced Rider Course. Our instructor was an active duty Marine, and although he was a decent fellow, he was strictly "by the book" In fact, he read every single exercise to us, out loud, including the parts that said things like "point to the cones" and "the instructor will now demo the exercise." I thought it was his first time, but when I asked him how long he'd been an instructor, he said a year! Our classroom guy was a lot better - but he only did the first day. So maybe it depends a lot on the personality (or lack thereof) of the instructor.
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