Thread: Log your rides
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Old 02-21-2010, 02:56 AM   #3
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Re: Log your rides

I went by Hahm Motorsports today in Anaheim to pick up the replacement part for my Strat front blinker lens. No photos (shoulda taken one) but I found the place to be mostly closed. The main building has had the bike dealership names (Suzi, Yama, Kawa, Honda) stripped off and they have retreated to a much smaller former parts and service building. I didn't see any new bikes for sale in the parts building. They used to have over 1000 bikes on their showroom floor.

My impression of the place from five or six visits (I almost bought my Strat there - it was there I first saw a 2007 "new" one) was that they were, like many motorcycle dealerships, a mixed bag of short timers and lackadaisical management. I've done business now with four dealerships, Mission Motorsports, San Juan Capistrano Power or Performance Something or Other, Corona Motorsports (?) and Hahm. Mission is probably the most professionally run of the four, but I've encountered questionable employees at all of them. Having worked in the auto dealer industry, I am aware that dealerships do not necessarily represent the "best and the brightest" (and most ethical) of America, but I get a sense that many Motorcycle dealer employees feel that we're all kind of anti-establishment "buddies" and we'll understand if they don't really give a shit. I've generally found the parts guys to be the most helpful, but mostly it's a matter of me telling them specifically what I want, them taking my credit card, and then calling me when it's arrived. Most of the "advice" I've gotten has either been words of wisdom from Dr. Obvious or, the old stand by "If we have it it will be out on the shelves somewhere..." Thanks!

Hahm was the place that reneged on their verbal comittment to sell me the Strat for 12K out the door. ("Made a mistake.") Mission did meet the 12K OTD price.

Given the poopy state of the economy and the reluctance of average Joes to take on debt, especially for non-essentials, I wouldn't be surprised to see a few more of the marginal operators disappear over the next year.
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